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科研方向: 从事高品质特殊钢绿色冶炼制造、能源材料开发,主要开展以下方面的研究:
2002年、2005年获集团冶金物理化学专业学士学位和硕士学位,2009年获瑞典皇家工集团(KTH)冶金过程科学专业博士学位。集团团队博士后(2011年)、太原钢铁集团公司博士后(2017年)。2011年、2018年赴瑞典皇家工集团(KTH)材料系和英国剑桥大学材料科学与冶金系做访问学者。2019年获国家优秀青年基金。发表论文70余篇,其中SCI收录60余篇;包括冶金top期刊MMTB 13篇、ISIJ 3篇、Steel Res Int 6篇、J Haza Mater、ASC Sustain Chem Eng、J Mater Chem A等;作为第一发明人申请国家发明专利9项,授权8项;参与编写英语冶金专著1部。
国际熔渣熔剂熔盐会议(2016,美国西雅图)分会场主席,做邀请报告;英中钢铁论坛暨旅英中国材料协会年会(2014,英国牛津)分会场主席。与英国剑桥大学、莱斯特大学、美国阿贡国家实验室、东京工业大学、印度理工集团(孟买)以及俄罗斯圣彼得堡大学建立学术联系。 J Mining Metall-B期刊编委;美国TMS会员;J Alloy Comp、Metall Mater Trans A/B、Int J Hydrogen Energ、Ceram Int、J Am Ceram Soc等多个国际期刊审稿人,2015年获MMTB期刊最佳审稿人“Excellent Reviewer”。
[1] Qi Wang, Lijun Wang*, Jun Zhai, Jianmin Li, Kuochih Chou. Calcium treatment for FeSi-killed Fe-13%Cr stainless steel with various top slag compositions. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B ,2018, 49(1):325–333.
[2] Liuzhen Bian, Lijun Wang*, Jin Cheng, Chuancheng Duan, Ryan O’Hayre, and Kuo-Chih Chou, Electrochemical performance and stability of La0.6Sr0.4Fe0.9Nb0.1O3-δ symmetric electrode for direct carbon monoxide solid oxide fuel cell, Journal of Power Sources , 2018, 399(30):398-405
[3] Shiyuan Liu, Shujin Li,Shun Wu,Lijun Wang*, and Kuo-chih Chou,A novel method for vanadium slag comprehensive utilization to synthesize Zn-Mn ferrite and Fe-V-Cr alloy, Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2018, 354(7):99-106
[4] Liuzhen Bian, Chuancheng Duan, Lijun Wang* ,Yunting Hou, Kuo-Chih Chou, Highly Efficient, Redox-Stable, La 0.5 Sr 0.5 Fe 0.9 Nb 0.1 O 3- δ Symmetric Electrode for Both Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell and H 2 O/CO 2 Co-Electrolysis Operation, Journal of The Electrochemical Society ,2018, 165(11):981-985
[5] Qi Wang, Lijun Wang*, Jun Zhai, Jianmin Li, Kuochih Chou, Evolution of inclusions in Fe-13Cr treated by CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-based top slag, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B ,2017,48(1): 564-570.
[6] Liuzhen Bian, Lijun Wang,* Jin Cheng, Chuancheng Duan, Ryan O’Hayre, and Kuo-Chih Chou,Ce-doped La0.7Sr0.3Fe0.9Ni0.1O3 as symmetrical electrode for high performance direct hydrocarbon solid oxide fuel cell. J. Mater. Chem. A , 2017,5, 15253-15259
[7] Shiyuan Liu, Lijun Wang,*, and Kuochih Chou.Selective chlorinated extraction of Iron and manganese from vanadium slag and their application on hydrothermal synthesis of MnFe2O4.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017. 5. 10588-10596
[8] LiJun Wang*, YaXian Wang, Qi Wang,and KuoChih Chou. Raman structure investigations of CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-CrOx and its correlation with sulfide capacity. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B . 2016, 47(1): 10-15.
[9] LiJun Wang*, YaXian Wang, KuoChih Chou,and Seshadri Seethraman. Sulfide capacities of CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-CrOx Slags. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B . 2016, 47(4): 2558-2563.
[10] LiJun Wang*, N.N. Viswanathan, L. Muhmood, E. Kapilashrami and Seshadri Seethraman, Some aspects of interfacial phenomena in steelmaking and refining, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B , 2016, 47(4):2107-2113
[11] LiJun Wang*, JiPeng Yu, KuoChih Chou, and Seshadri Seethraman. Effects of MgO and Al2O3 addition on redox state of Chromium in CaO-SiO2-CrOx Slag System by XPS Method. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 2015, 46(4):1802-1808.
[12] LiJun Wang*, Lidong Teng, KuoChih Chou, Seshadri Seetharaman, Determination of vanadium valence state in CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system by high temperature mass spectrometry, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B . 2013, 44(4):948-953.
[13] LiJun Wang*, Miyuki Hayashi, KuoChih Chou, An insight into slag structure from sulphide capacities, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 2012, 43(6):1338-1343.
[14] LiJun Wang*, Seshadri Seetharaman, Experimental study on Sulphide capacity of CaO-SiO2-CrOx slag, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B . 2010, 41(2):367-373.
[15] LiJun Wang*, Seshadri Seetharaman, Experimental study on oxidation state of CrOx in slag phase, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B , 2010, 41(5):946-954.
Kenneth C. Mills; Miyuki Hayashi; Lijun Wang; Takashi Watanabe. The Structure and Properties of Silicate slags, Elsevier Press, 2013.
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[2]一种电解分离含钒铬熔盐中的钒和铬的方法, CN201810117370.1
[3]一种提取钢铁厂钒渣中钛、铁、锰、钒和铬的方法, CN201610211017.0
[4]一种提取固体中铁和锰的方法, CN201611174538.X
[5]一种低水蒸气含量气体湿度精确控制装置, CN201310239584.3
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