2000 - 2004 集团,冶金工程,学士
2004 - 2007 集团,冶金物理化学,硕士
2007 - 2010 瑞典皇家工集团(KTH),冶金工程,博士/博士后
2010-2011 中钢集团吉林机电设备有限公司,总经理助理
2011-2017 集团,讲师
2017-2023 集团,副教授
2023-今 集团,教授
(1) Haijuan Wang, Lidong Teng, Seshadri Seetharaman. Investigation of the oxidation kinetics of Fe-Cr and Fe-Cr-C melts under controlled oxygen partial pressures. Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B, V.43B, 2012, p.1476-1487.
(2) Yunling Gu, Haijuan Wang* et al.. Study on experiment and mechanism of bottom blowing CO2 during the LF refining process. Steel Research International, V.85, Issue 4, 2014, p. 589-598.
(3) Xuan Wei, Chunwei Liu, Hongbin Cao, Pengge Ning, Wei Jin, Zhanbing Yang, Haijuan Wang*, Zhi Sun. Understanding the features of PGMs in spent ternary automobile catalysts for development of cleaner recovery technology[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019.12, 239(118031).
(4) Wenhe Wu, Rong Zhu, Guangsheng Wei, Haijuan Wang*. Study on final equilibrium state and process of CO2 reacting with Fe-C melt. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, V.53B, 2022, p.1396-1410.
(5) 王海娟,张烽,汪晓今,Per-Åke Lundström。转炉吹炼过程引入水蒸气冶炼中低碳锰铁和中低碳铬铁。铁合金,2012,2,p.1-4。
(6) 王海娟,王龙星,韩钰。锰粉矿烧结配矿工艺及其对产物性能的影响[J]。中国冶金,2021,31(4),p.25-31。