办公电话: 传 真:
本科课程: 有色金属冶金学、现代冶金工程设计原理、有色冶金与生态环境
研究生课程: 生物冶金、有色新材料制备与合成
科研方向: 工业污染源解析及其控制研究
2003.9-2007.6 哈尔滨工业老员工物工程专业本科
2007.9-2012.6 山东大学环境科学专业博士
2012.7-2014.12 中国环境科学研究院助研(博士后)
2015.1-2018.6 澳门新威利斯(中国)集团有限公司讲师
2016.12-2017.10 加州大学戴维斯分校访问学者
2018.7至今 澳门新威利斯(中国)集团有限公司副教授
1.Zhang J. (First&Corresponding author), Zhang Y., Wang R., Chen H., Zhang M., Zhang J., Predication of the sources of particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in China with distinctive characteristics based on multivariate analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 185, 841-851. (IF 5.651)
2.Zhang J. (First&Corresponding author), Fan S., Zhang M., Grieneisen M.L., Zhang J., Aliphatic hydrocarbons recovered in vegetables from soils based on their in-situ distribution in various soil humus fractions using a successive extraction method. Journal of hazardous materials 346, 10-18. (IF 6.434)
3.Zhang J. (First&Corresponding author), Fan S.K., Influence of PAH speciation in soils on vegetative uptake of PAHs using successive extraction. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 320: 114-122. Times cited: 8 (IF 6.434)
4.Zhang J. (First&Corresponding author), Fan S.K., Consistency between health risks and microbial response mechanism of various petroleum components in a typical wastewater-irrigated farmland. Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 174: 55-61. Times cited: 3 (IF 4.005)
5.Zhang J., Fan S.K., Du X.M., et al., Accumulation, allocation, and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil-Brassica chinensis system. PLos One, 2015, 10: e0115863-e0115863. Times cited: 8 (IF 3.057)
6.Zhang J., Wang L.H., Yang J.C., et al., Health risk to residents and stimulation to inherent bacteria of various heavy metals in soil. Science of the Total Environment 2015, 508: 29-36. Times cited: 14 (IF 4.610)
7.Zhang J., Fan S.K., Du X.M., et al., Distribution and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil in Hunpu,Liaoning, China. Research of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 27: 505-512. (EI)
8.Zhang J., Fan S.K., Yang J.C., et al., Petroleum contamination of soil and water, and their effects on vegetables by statistically analyzing entire data set. Science of the Total Environment 2014, 476-477: 258-265. Times cited: 10 (IF 4.610) 9.Zhang J., Yang J.C., Wang R.Q., et al., Effects of pollution sources and so
il properties on distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment 2013, 463-464: 1-10. Times cited: 54 (IF 4.610)
10.Zhang J., Wang R.Q., Yang J.C., et al., Using variances in hydrocarbon concentration and carbon stable isotope to determine the important influence of irrigated water on petroleum accumulation in surface soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2013, 20: 3381-3394. (IF 2.800)
11.Zhang J., Wang R.Q., Du X.M., et al., Characterization of contamination, source and degradation of petroleum between upland and paddy fields based on geochemical characteristics and phospholipid fatty acids. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2012, 24(11): 1995–2003. Times cited: 15 (IF 3.120)
12.Zhang J., Dai J.L., Chen H.R., et al., Petroleum contamination in groundwater/air and its effects on farmland soil in the outskirt of an industrial city in China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 2012, 118: 19-29. Times cited: 27 (IF 2.858)
13.Zhang J., Dai JL., Du XM., et al., Distribution and sources of petroleum-hydrocarbon in soil profiles of the Hunpu wastewater-irrigated area, China's northeast. Geoderma 2012, 173-174: 215-223. Times cited: 17 (IF 3.740)
14.张娟,薛济来. 专业课程研究型教学改革. 中国冶金教育 2018, 184(1):17-19.
15.Zhang J. (First&Corresponding author), Fan S.K., Effects of humic substances on transport of petroleum hydrocarbons from soils to vegetables using successive extraction methods (Oral Presentation/Soil Pollution and Treatment分会主持). ICEPR'18 held in Madrid, Spain on August 19 - 21, 2018.
16.张娟,戴九兰,侯红. 浑蒲灌区土壤中多环芳烃的分布及其风险评估研究. 持久性有机污染物论坛2013报告.