办公地点: 冶金生态楼807 办公电话:
传 真:
2010-2014 清华大学 本科
2014-2019 清华大学 博士 导师:阎培渝教授
2019-2021 清华大学 博士后 合作导师:阎培渝教授
2021-至今 集团 澳门新威利斯 生态科学与工程系 副教授
代表性论著 :
Z. Zhang, F. Han, P. Yan, Modeling the dissolution and precipitation process of the early hydration of C3S, Cement and Concrete Research. 2020. 136: 106174.
Z. Zhang, Q. Wang, M. Zhang, Z. Huang, S. Zhuang, A new understanding of the effect of filler minerals on the precipitation of synthetic C–S–H, J. Mater. Sci. 55 (2020) 16455–16469.
Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, L. Huang, P. Yan, A new hydration kinetics model of composite cementitious materials, part 1: Hydration kinetic model of Portland cement, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2020, 103(3): 1970-1991.
Z. Zhang, W. Chen, F. Han, P. Yan, A new hydration kinetics model of composite cementitious materials, Part 2: Physical effect of SCMs, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 103 (2020) 3880–3895.
Y. Liu, Z. Zhang(通讯), H. Hou, P. Yan, Preparation of sustainable and green concrete composite with high-volume steel slag powder and ultrafine blast furnace slag powder, Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 289, 125133
J. Sun, Z. Zhang(通讯), S. Zhuang, W. He, Hydration properties and microstructure characteristics of alkali–activated steel slag, Constr Build Mater. 2020; 241:118141.
F. Han, A. Luo, J. Hong, Z. Zhang(通讯), Properties of high-volume iron tailing powder concrete under different curing conditions, Constr Build Mater. 2020; 241:118108
J. Sun, Z. Zhang(通讯), H. Hou, Utilization of fly ash microsphere as mineral admixture of cement: Effects on early hydration and microstructure at different curing temperatures, Powder Technol. 2020, 375:262-270
Y. Zhou, Z. Zhang(通讯), The hydration properties of ultra-fine ground granulated blast-furnace slag cement with a low water-to-binder ratio, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.
F. Han, Y. Zhou, Z. Zhang(通讯), Effect of gypsum on the properties of composite binder containing high-volume slag and iron tailing powder. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 252:119023.
Y. Zhou, Z. Zhang(通讯), Quantitative characterization of the influence of fineness on the pozzolanic reaction of slag in composite binders: Experiments and Modeling, Construction and Building Materials. 2021, 273, 121695
Z. Zhang, Q. Wang, J. Yang, Hydration mechanisms of composite binders containing phosphorus slag at different temperatures, Construction and Building Materials. 147 (2017) 720–732.
Z. Zhang, B. Zhang, P. Yan, Comparative study of effect of raw and densified silica fume in the paste, mortar and concrete, Construction and Building Materials. 105 (2016) 82–93.
Z. Zhang, Q. Wang, H. Chen, Properties of high-volume limestone powder concrete under standard curing and steam-curing conditions, Powder Technol. 301 (2016) 16–25.
Z. Zhang, B. Zhang, P. Yan, Hydration and microstructures of concrete containing raw or densified silica fume at different curing temperatures, Construction and Building Materials. 2016, 121,483-490
Z. Zhang, P. Yan, Hydration kinetics of the epoxy resin-modified cement at different temperatures, Construction and Building Materials. 150 (2017) 287–294.
Z. Zhang, Q. Wang, H. Chen, Y. Zhou, Influence of the initial moist curing time on the sulfate attack resistance of concretes with different binders, Construction and Building Materials. 2017, 144,541-551
张增起,石梦晓,王强.等效龄期法在大体积混凝土性能预测中的准确性[J]. 清华大学学报, 2016(8):806-810.
阎培渝, 张增起. 复合胶凝材料的水化硬化机理[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2017(8):1066-1072.
1. 张增起. 水泥-矿渣复合胶凝材料水化动力学模型研究[M]. 清华大学出版社.
2. 王强,周予启,张增起,王登权. 绿色混凝土用新型矿物掺合料[M]. 中国建筑工业出版社.2018-04
3. 参编中国建筑学会标准《混凝土用超细高炉矿渣粉》排名第2.